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Revolutionizing Game Analytics

Make better monetization decision that favor strategic growth instead of user attrition.

Elevate Your Gaming Business with uInspire by Inspire Games

We offer a comprehensive technology platform to help game publishers make better and more tailored decisions in realtime that increase revenue. The platform leverages existing investments in systems and advertising eco-system to make balanced decisions for more engaged gamers and long-term growth.

Cloud-Based Analytics for Gaming Businesses

Our cloud-based analytics plaform provides gaming businesses with the ability to harness the power of data in real time to gain valuable insights into their customers, operations and revenue.


Our platform takes into consideration regulatory requirements to ensure that recommendations and actionable insights are compliant and in the best interest of the consumer

Data Science for Gaming Businesses

Our data science acceleration services provide gaming businesses with the ability to use data science and machine learning algorithms to gain valuable insights into their customers and individual intellectual properties

Balancing revenue

Our platform is native to your business and tailored to manage subscriptions, lifetime licenses, micro-transactions and advertising based revenue out of the box.

Built on the shoulders of giants

Our technology is used by some of the largest and most successful gaming platforms in the world. Powering billions of transactions every month, 24/7, and globally

Our Partners

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